

ISSN (O) : 2663 - 046X

A CrossRef Indexed Journal

DOI : 10.34300/26630451

ISSN (P) : 2663 - 0451

IC VALUE : 89.03 (2020)

International Journal of Advanced Medicine (IJAM)
Original Research Paper

Impact Of Covid -19 On Institutionally Attached Nursing Professionals Of Nepal

Sarita Rawal Rimal Upadhaya, Dr Sarla Pradhan Joshi, Dr Ahmad Fairuz Bin Mohamed, Dr. Krishna Gopal Rampal

Abstract :

Aim: The specic aim of the study was to assess the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on nursing faculty experiences.Background: Academic nursing experiences were disrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. There is concern that theresulting stress threatens nursing faculty emotional well-being and reason to burnout. A descriptive, quantitative Method: e study wasconducted; exploring faculty academic and clinical roles during the COVID-19 pandemic by using structured, self designed, open-endedquestionnaire to 401 institutionally attached nursing health professionals. The questionnaire includes various domains including Safety andHealth, Challenges for teaching, clinical practise, supervision perception of institutional support provided; faculty burnout, satisfaction, andwell-being. Results: Overall satisfaction with the working environment in the institutions with respect to total teaching experience showed asignicant statistical. Participants perceived support from academic institutions and increased need to provide emotional support tostudents. Conclusion: Nursing faculty are essential to the profession. Nursing faculty require proactive and sustained institutional andpersonal support to provide exceptional ongoing education, build resilience, and support students.

Keywords :

Covid -19   Pandemic   Burnout   post effect of Covid- 19   Nursing faculty   Nursing professionals  

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IMPACT OF COVID -19 ON INSTITUTIONALLY ATTACHED NURSING PROFESSIONALS OF NEPAL, Sarita Rawal Rimal Upadhaya, Dr Sarla Pradhan Joshi, Dr Ahmad Fairuz Bin Mohamed, Dr. Krishna Gopal Rampal, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MEDICINE : Volume-7 | Issue-3 | May-2023

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