

ISSN (O) : 2663 - 046X

A CrossRef Indexed Journal

DOI : 10.34300/26630451

ISSN (P) : 2663 - 0451

IC VALUE : 89.03 (2020)

International Journal of Advanced Medicine (IJAM)
Original Research Paper

Autopsy Case Of Head Injury In Decomposing Corpse

Reza Priatna, Adriansyah Lubis, Zulfia Retnanti Marissa

Abstract :

Traumatology is the study of aspects of injury and its relationship to various types of violence. Injuries have become a major public health problem in all countries and most of them occur in developing countries. In the case of death from injury, head trauma is the most common type of trauma. Around 69 million people worldwide experience head injuries every year. Currently, the homicide rate is increasing. The target most often involved in murder cases is the head. The body of an adult male was found in a house. On examination, it was found that the wound was predominantly on the head. There is a fracture at the top of the skull. Infiltration of blood is seen in the inner scalp and meninges. Brain tissue liquefies due to decay. The cause of death is bleeding in the head cavity due to blunt trauma.

Keywords :

Head trauma   Brain Hemorrhage   Blunt Trauma.  

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AUTOPSY CASE OF HEAD INJURY IN DECOMPOSING CORPSE, Reza Priatna, Adriansyah Lubis, Zulfia Retnanti Marissa, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MEDICINE : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | July-2023

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