Research Paper
A Study To Assess The Effectiveness Of Structured Teaching Programme On Knowledge Regarding Dangers Of Smoking Among Adolescents In Selected Schools Of Jammu.
Abstract :
Smoking is the inhalation of the smoke of burning tobacco encased in cigarettes, pipes, and cigars. Casual smoking is the act of smoking only occasionally, usually in a social situation or to relieve stress. A smoking habit is a physical addiction to tobacco products. It is of mainly two types: active and passive smoking. Active smokers directly use cigarette, cigar or beedies for smoking. Passive smoking is the inhalation of smoke, called second hand smoke or environmental tobacco smoke, from tobacco products used by others 5.Adolescence is the most important and sensitive period of one's life. According to World health organization expert committee, adolescence is defined as a period between 13 to 19 years, means the second decade of life. Adolescence is an age group that usually tends to be subsumed under the categories of either youth or children. The formulation of definitions clearly reveals the age and characteristics of adolescents is only a recent phenomenon; and yet to be widely recognized all over the world. The actual interpretation of adolescence as a phase of life remains a social construct that differ between cultures.6Smoking is the single most important preventable cause of death. The adolescent age is a critical period in the formation of the smoking habit. Most smokers start smoking during their adolescence or early adult years. The earlier they start to smoke, the more likely they are to become regular smokers. It has been found in developed countries that nearly one-half of school students who have reached the age of 18 have already established the habit of smoking.5Dangers of smoking are well-known and can have serious detrimental effect on the quality of life besides diseases. Teenagers are attracted by the smoke and the smoking style, which tempts them to smoke. Friends and colleagues also encourage non-smokers, to smoke just once. Smoking by parents, siblings, low self efficacy & lack of conscientiousness are the reasons for adolescents to develop smoking habit. Smoking in movies is the main reason for adolescents acquiring this habit7 .In an initial estimate of factors responsible for the global burden of disease, tobacco contributed to 6% of deaths worldwide followed by alcohol at 1.5% . Tobacco smoke contains nicotine, an addictive stimulant and euphoriant. The effect of nicotine in first time or irregular users is an increase in alertness and memory and mild euphoria. Medical research has determined that chronic tobacco smoking can lead to many health problems particularly Lung Cancer, emphysema and cardiovascular disease.8Objectives of the study1.To assess the pre-test knowledge regarding dangers of smoking among adolescents in selected schools of Jammu.2.To assess the post-test knowledge regarding dangers of smoking among adolescents in selected schools of Jammu after Structured teaching programme.3.To compare pre test and post test knowledge scores regarding dangers of smoking among adolescents in selected schools of Jammu.4.To determine the association between pre-test knowledge scores of adolescents regarding dangers of smoking with their selected demographic variables(age of adolescents, gender, educational status of father, educational status of mother, residence, type of family ,family income) Hypothesis:1)H1: There is significant difference between pre-test knowledge and post test knowledge scores regarding dangers of smoking among adolescents at 0.05 level of significance.2)H2: There is significant association between pre-test knowledge scores of adolescents regarding dangers of smoking with their selected demographic variables (age of adolescents, gender, educational status of father, educational status of mother, residence ,type of family, family income) at 0.05 level of significanceResearch Methodology: Research approach- Quantitative research approach was used.Research Design was Pre Experimental One Group Pre Test Post Test Design. Research setting was Selected high schools of Jammu. Sample size & technique were 60 adolescents of selected high schools of jammu choosen by Stratified proportionate simple random sampling . Method of data collection and tool was Self structured questionnaire.Results The results of the study showed that the mean knowledge score in pre test was 18.16 and S.D was 2.48 and in post test mean was 24.44 and S.D 2.46 So it is evident that mean post test knowledge of adolescents regarding dangers of smoking was significantly greater than their mean pre test knowledge score at p 0.05 level. Hence STP on dangers of smoking was effective.The association between demographic variables and Pre test knowledge score was analyzed by using Descriptive and inferential statistics. The test revealed that there is statistically significant association with demographic variable as educational status of mother and evidenced that there was statistically association at p 0.05 level and no association was found with demographic variables as Age, Gender Educational status of father, residence, Type of Family, Family income. Interpretation and conclusion The present study revealed that the structured teaching programme was significantly effective in improving the knowledge of adolescents regarding dangers of smoking. Hence the study concluded that improved knowledge regarding dangers of smoking helps the adolescents to take protective and preventive measures against tobacco smoking, which will, in turn, help the students to improve the quality of life by controlling the tobacco smoking, and thus the students can ing about the awareness among the public.
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Planned teaching programme Effectiveness Knowledge adolescents schools dangers of smokingCite This Article:
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