

ISSN (O) : 2663 - 046X

A CrossRef Indexed Journal

DOI : 10.34300/26630451

ISSN (P) : 2663 - 0451

IC VALUE : 89.03 (2020)

International Journal of Advanced Medicine (IJAM)
Research Paper

Meckel-gruber Syndrome

Dr. Aarti Harish Javeri, Dr. Krithika Ap

Abstract :

Meckel Gruber is an autosomal recessive condition, usually characterised by a triad of Renal Cysytic Dysplasia, Encephalocoele, Post Axial Polydactyly. Hereby enlightening a case of a 22 year old Primi Gravida visiting for regular antenatal check up underwent a USG, which was suggestive of features of Meckel Gruber Syndrome (also known as Dysencephalia Splanchnocystica).

Keywords :

Meckel-Gruber syndrome   Renal Cysytic Dysplasia   Encephalocoele   Post Axial Polydactyly   Dysencephalia Splanchnocystica  

Cite This Article:

MECKEL-GRUBER SYNDROME, Dr. Aarti Harish Javeri, Dr. Krithika AP, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MEDICINE : Volume-3 | Issue-2 | March-2019

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