

ISSN (O) : 2663 - 046X

A CrossRef Indexed Journal

DOI : 10.34300/26630451

ISSN (P) : 2663 - 0451

IC VALUE : 89.03 (2020)

Volume : III, Issue : III, May - 2019

Case Report

Myasthenia Gravis Presenting As Isolated Respiratory Failure: A Case Report

Dr. Srirupa Tejasvi, Dr. T. Manivel

[ Abstract ] [ XML] [ Download PDF] [ View (2040)] [ 10.34300/26630451 / May 2019 / 89 ]

Research Paper

Comparitive Evaluation Of Haematological Profile In Patients With Alcoholic Liver Disease And Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease With Special Emphasis On Platelet Indices

Natasha Sharma

[ Abstract ] [ XML] [ Download PDF] [ View (1921)] [ 10.34300/26630451 / May 2019 / 88 ]

Clinical Profile Of Intra-cerebral Haemorrhagic Stroke Patients In An Ethnic Population Of North India.

Dr Atif Rasool Kawoosa

[ Abstract ] [ XML] [ Download PDF] [ View (1974)] [ 10.34300/26630451 / May 2019 / 86 ]

Polypharmacy, Characteristics Of The Medications Usage In The Elder Patients In Emergency Room

Brunilda Elezi, Sonela Xinxo, Alda Elezi, Tatjana Elezi

[ Abstract ] [ XML] [ Download PDF] [ View (1927)] [ 10.34300/26630451 / May 2019 / 87 ]

Understanding The Prevalence Of Depression In Pregnant Women With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus And Its Association With Metabolic Profile.

Dr Amitabh Saha, Mr Aditya Rana, Dr Vv Gantait

[ Abstract ] [ XML] [ Download PDF] [ View (1876)] [ 10.34300/26630451 / May 2019 / 85 ]

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